Event Title: AT24-174 Wildflower Walk & Talk, Junction
VMS-AT: AT: Texas Parks and Wildlife (Enter AT#, Class Title as posted, Location, and Presenter)
Comments: AT24-174 Wildflower Walk & Talk, Junction, Presenter:
Kim Ort (AT=1.5h)
Event Date: 04/06/2024
Event Time: 9:00a-10:30a
Event Summary:
Join a group wildflower walk along the Agarita trail at South Llano River Park.
Event Description:
Come learn about the colorful wildflowers here at the park. Master Naturalist Kim will guide you along the Agarita trail and maybe head towards the backcountry.
Where: Meet at the Agarita Trail/Bird Blind parking lot (primitive parking). Walk will be 1/2 mile with lots of stops.
Bring: water, sturdy shoes, a camera and anything else you need to be out on the trail.
* This event is subject to cancellation please check with Headquarters for updates. *
* If assistance required, please contact Headquarters ahead of time. *
Cost: Free with your regular park admission (adults $5 each, kids 12 and under are free always).
Register @:
no registration required
Event Location:
South Llano River State Park
1927 Park Road 73
Junction, TX 76849
Kim Ort is a Texas Master Naturalist, Hill Country Chapter with a vast knowledge of Native Plants, Grasses, and
the Hill Country.
Contact Information: Lorissa Digiacomo (325) 446-3994 lorissa.digiacomo@tpwd.texas.gov
Organization Website: https://tpwd.texas.gov/calendar/south-llano-river/wildflower-walk
Sponsoring Organization: