Event/Webinar Title: Webinar: Chytrids – The Hidden Fungi that Threatens Frogs and Snakes
AT-VMS: AT: Hill Country Chapter Other Approved Training (Enter AT#, Class Title as posted, Location, and Presenter)
Comments: AT24-292 WEBINAR Chytrids – The Hidden Fungi that Threatens Frogs and Snakes, Presenter:
Dr. David Rodriquez (AT=1.0h)
Event Date: Aug 20, 2024
Event Time: 7:00p – 8:00p
Event Summary: Join this seminar to learn about Chytrids – The Hidden Fungi that Threatens Frogs and Snakes
Event Description: This online presentation highlights research by the Rodriguez Lab (Texas State University) on two distantly related fungal pathogens commonly know as Chytrids that cause infections and mortality in amphibians and reptiles. JOIN ON ZOOM FOR A LIVE GIVEAWAY OF THE Mushrooms of the Gulf States Field Guide.
Dr. Rodriguez joined Texas State University in 2015 as a faculty member in Biology where he teaches Mycology and Applied Bioinformatics. His research group investigates host-pathogen dynamics in reptiles and amphibians using genetic, genomic, and bioinformatic tools. Specifically, he has been investigating the amphibian-killing fungus in temperate and tropical environments and Snake Fungal Disease in Texas. His research also leverages a portable genetics lab to teach and perform genetic analyses in the field.
Cost: no charge, but donations accepted
Register @: https://www.centraltexasmycology.org/events/2024/8/20/chytrids
Event Location: Webinar
Presenter: Dr. David Roriquez
Contact Information: https://www.centraltexasmycology.org/contact
Organization Website: https://www.centraltexasmycology.org
Sponsoring Organization: Central Texas MyCology