Event Title: The Basics of Plant Identification, Phrenology & Value, Johnson City
VMS-AT: AT: Texas A&M AgriLife (Enter AT#, Class Title as posted, Location, and Presenter)
Comments: AT24-371 The Basics of Plant Identification, Phrenology & Value, Johnson City, Presenter:
Get Names (AT=7.0h)
Event Date: 9/23/2024
Event Time: 8:30a-3:30p
Event Summary: Learn the basics of plant identification and how to teach it to others.
Event Description: Learn the basics of plant identification and how to teach it to others. Both indoor classes, and outdoor field work, so wear appropriate clothing and closed toes shoes. Bring scissors and tape.
Doors open at 8:00a for Registration, classes begin promptly at 8:30 am.
Cost: $75 – includes lunch, drinks and snacks
Register @: https://agrilife.az1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_8uWocpOComYv4Cq
Registration closes September 19.
Event Locations:
Blanco County Fair & Rodeo Assn. Exhibit Hall
619 US Hwy 281
Johnson City, Tx.
Presenter: get names
Contact Information:
Elizabeth “Beth” McMahon, Gillespie County Horticulture Extension Agent
(830) 997-3452
Organization Website: www.tamu.edu
Sponsoring Organization: Texas AgriLife