Event Title: Hybrid, Plants and Landscapes of Indigenous Texans, Marble Falls
VMS-AT: AT: AT: Hill Country Chapter Other Approved Training (Enter AT#, Class Title as posted, Location, and Presenter)
Comments: AT24-83 Hybrid, Plants and Landscapes of Indigenous Texans, Marble Falls, Presenter:
Leslie L. Bush (AT=1.5h)
Event Date: 2/28/2024
Event Time: 10:00a-11:30a
Event Summary:
The ancestors of historic indigenous Texans used extensive systems of traditional knowledge to work with their lands to provide food, medicine, tools and shelter
Event Description:
The ancestors of historic indigenous Texans used extensive systems of traditional knowledge to work with their lands to provide food, medicine, tools and shelter. This class dives deep into the history of indigenous Texas, what plants people used for various purposes, and how archaeologists know. A few particularly interesting animal finds are also covered.
Instructor Leslie L. Bush is a registered professional archaeologist and consulting paleoethnobotanist who has worked in Texas since 2003.
Cost: $15 in person $10.00 online
TTU Higher Education Teaching Site at Highland Lakes
806 Steve Hawkins Pkwy
Marble Falls, Texas
Register @: https://registration.olli.ttu.edu/wconnect/CourseStatus.awp?&course=24SOLHL0009
Presenter: Leslie L. Bush is a registered professional archaeologist and consulting paleoethnobotanist
Organization Website: https://www.depts.ttu.edu/olli/
Sponsoring Organization: Oscher Life Long Learning Institute