Event Title: Gardening 101: Vermiculture, Kerrville
VMS-AT:AT: AT: Hill Country Chapter Resource Education (Enter AT#, Class Title as posted, Location, and Presenter)
Comments: AT25-035 Gardening 101: Vermiculture, Kerrville, Presenter:
Patty Zohlen (AT=1.0h)
Event Date: 01/11/2025
Event Time: 10:30a-11:30a
Event Summary: Learn the vital roles that earthworms play in enriching the quality and health of our soil.
Event Description: For centuries, gardeners, farmers, and scientists have acknowledged the vital role earthworms play in enriching the quality and health of our soil. These remarkable creatures do far more than merely inhabit the ground; they are nature’s soil engineers. Join Master Gardener Patty Zohlen in this engaging presentation to explore the fascinating world of earthworms, uncovering the intricate ways they improve soil structure, aeration, and fertility. You’ll learn practical techniques for growing and utilizing earthworms effectively to boost the vitality of your soil. Additionally, detailed handouts will be provided, offering valuable information to help you implement these strategies in your own gardening practice.
Register @: Not required.
Cost: Free
Event Location:
Butt-Holdsworth Memorial Library
505 Water Street
Kerrville, Texas 78028
Presenter: Patty Zohlen
Contact Information: Phone: 830-257-8422
Organization Website: https://bhmlibrary@kerrvilletx.gov
Sponsoring Organization:
Butts-Holdsworth Memorial Library