Event Title: SABOT: Guided Tour: Winter Culinary Garden, San Antonio
VMS-AT: Hill County Chapter other ((Enter AT#, Class Title as posted, Location, and Presenter):TMN AT Report Hours
Comments: AT25-050 SABOT: Guided Tour: Winter Culinary Garden, San Antonio,Presenter:
Aaron Goddard (AT=1h)
Event Date: 02/15/2025
Event Time: 10a – 11a
Event Summary: SABOT: Guided Tour: Winter Culinary Garden, San Antonio
Event Description: Explore our Culinary Garden to learn about all the great vegetables that you can grow in San Antonio’s cold winter months. This is the time of year when you can have the most fun in your vegetable garden. Join us in learning when to plant and when to harvest.
Cost: Free with membership or Garden admission($22). Registration recommended. Limited space available.
Register @ https://sabg.ticketapp.org/portal/product/609/events
Registration and Cancellation policy https://www.sabot.org/learn/registration-cancellation-policies/
Event Location:
San Antonio Botanical Garden
555 Funston Place
San Antonio, TX 78209
Presenter: Aaron Goddard
Contact Information: 210-536-1400
Organization Website: https://www.sabot.org
Sponsoring Organization: San Antonio Botanical Gardens