Event Title: AT25-122 NLCP Level 2, Fredericksburg, Presenter: Paula Stone , (AT=6.5)
VMS-AT: Native Plant Society of Texas (Enter AT#, Class Title as posted, Name of NPSOT Chapter, and Presenter)
Event Date: 3/29/2025
Event Time: 7:45a-3:00p
Event Description: Frederisburg Chapter will be offering Level 2 – Certification Class (Native Landscape Certification Program)
Level 2: Landscape Design with Native Plants
Learn how to create landscape designs using native plants
Review ecological considerations important to landscape design
Identify cultural considerations impacting landscape design
Learn steps to the design process
Practice the design process during an hour-long exercise
Become familiar with 45 native Texas plants recommended for your landscape and 5 plants to avoid
Note: You must complete NLCP Level 1 before taking this class.
NLCP is a state-wide program, but classes focus on the characteristics and plants of the region in which they are taught. Please register for classes located in the region in which you wish to landscape.
Cost: $50.00 for NPSOT Members, $65 for non members
Register: Native Plant Society of Texas
Gillespie County Airport Office,
191 Airport Road,
Fredericksburg, Tx. 78624
Contact Information: Registration: Linda Foss NLCP@npsot.org or (830) 218-7211
Class-specific & Technical issues: Janice Phelps, jgwphelps@gmail.com, 504-232-7181
Organization Website: https://www.npsot.org/our-work/class-schedule/native-landscape-certification/