Event Title: AT25-128 INaturalist talk and walk, Boerne, Presenter: Suanne Pyle (AT=2h) VMS-AT: Cibolo Center for Conservation (Enter AT#, Class Title as posted, and Presenter) Event Date: 3/22/2025 Event Time: 9:30-11:30 Event Description: Do you love nature? Do you want to learn more about it? Join us for a talk all about INaturalist, an app that lets you take a picture of a living thing and then get an identification for it. We will spend some time getting everyone up to speed on the app, then we will walk around the park and see what you can find. This event is part of the preparation for the City Nature Challenge on April 25-28 where cities compete worldwide to do more observations than anyone else! We were 3rd in the world and 1st in the US last year. Please download the INaturalist app and get logged in before the class. Cost: Free Register: email spyle64@hotmail.com, register on the Cibolo site or you can show up at the event. Meet on the porch on the right side of the visitor center, overlooking the bird feeders. Location: Cibolo Nature Center 140 City Park Road Boerne, Tx Contact Information: spyle64@hotmail.com Organization Website: https://cibolo.org/