AT24-327 Birding by Ear Workshop, Austin
Travis Chaetura Canyon Bird Sanctuary Hwy 620, AustinBirding by ear is a way of finding and identifying birds without having to see them
Birding by ear is a way of finding and identifying birds without having to see them
An in-depth look at tree planting and care
Learn about the benefits of native plants, desirable plants for your area and design considerations for your landscape. Content is specific to the Fredericksburg area ecoregion.
Join a group plant walk along the Guadalupe River Trail in Kerrville.
Identify and learn about a variety of plants native to Central Texas, the unique growing characteristics of each and how to choose the right ones for your garden.
This is a monthly talk with a new nature-related topic every month. Talk will be followed by a walk through the Native Plant Garden to see the birds in their habitat.