October 24 Board Meeting, 2:30 PM – 4:00 PM.

Board Meetings are (generally) the 4th Monday of the month. Time is 2:30 PM – 4:00 PM. Meetings may be Zoom (link sent via email prior to meeting) or in-person at Riverside Nature Center.

October 24 Chapter Meeting, 6:30 PM – 8:00 PM.

Chapter Meetings are (generally) the 4th Monday of the month; no chapter meeting in Dec. Meetings may be Zoom (link sent via email and posted on chapter website) or in-person at Upper Guadalupe River Authority in Kerrville. A 30-minute chapter business meeting begins at 6:30 PM. Members attending this may claim 0.5 volunteer hours. The... Read More →

AT22-388 Webinar Anticoagulant Rodenticides and Raptors


Anticoagulant rodenticides (ARs) are rodent poisons used for pest control; however, non-target exposure has been documented in a wide variety of wildlife. Raptors are highly susceptible and become exposed when they consume contaminated prey.