AT23-067 Hybrid Lights Out: Safer Skies for Migrating Birds, San Antonio
WebinarThis presentation will introduce this challenging issue and why it matters to bird conservation, focusing on what we’ve learned through research and monitoring efforts.
This presentation will introduce this challenging issue and why it matters to bird conservation, focusing on what we’ve learned through research and monitoring efforts.
Field trainings are mandatory; there will be a review of the protocol, data collection, distance training, and skills test for GCWA monitoring surveys. Invited participants only.
Deep Dive at the UT Science Fest into the best-selling book Braiding Sweetgrass
Travelling by foot, your guide will go over birding identification and the proper use of binoculars.
Albert & Bessie Kronkosky State Natural Area From 9:00 to 12:00 Saturday, February 25 we will return to the "Doobie Garden Reach" of Bessie's Creek to inventory as many plants... Read More →
This class will help you reconnect with the land by learning foraging skills and how to ID native plants that are safe for your palate.
A discussion of why native plants are so important for us to use in our landscaping.
This event is free with the cost of general admission and part of UT’s Texas Science Festival. Get more info and register at
Board Meetings are (generally) the 4th Monday of the month. Time is 2:30 PM – 4:00 PM. Meetings may be Zoom (link sent via email prior to meeting) or in-person... Read More →