Event Series AT24-023 Texas Waters Webinars

AT24-023 Texas Waters Webinars


Texas Waters Webinars are provided to develop a corps of well-informed volunteer specialists who provide education, outreach, and service dedicated to the beneficial management of aquatic resources and aquatic habitats within their communities for the state of Texas.

AT24-099 8th Hill Country Land Stewardship Conference, Kerrville

Y.O. Ranch Hotel & Conference Center 505 Water St., Kerrville, TX, United States

The Hill Country is a special part of Texas with an attraction to millions of individuals who ranch and come to vacation, hunt, rest, and relax each year. Along with the area's spectacular beauty, the Hill Country has its own special needs for management.


VT: Kerrville-Schreiner Park Pollinator Garden Maintenance-Kerr County

Kerrville-Schreiner Park

We meet on Thursdays at Kerrville-Schreiner park at 8:30-10:30AM. Drop-ins are welcome to join us, just tell the gatehouse you're a volunteer and they will waive the entry fee. If folks have questions, they can contact me at indigal@gmail.com. VMS CODE: KR-04-A-NPA Kerrville-Schreiner Park Pollinator Garden

AT24-099 8th Hill Country Land Stewardship Conference, Kerrville

Y.O. Ranch Hotel & Conference Center 505 Water St., Kerrville, TX, United States

The Hill Country is a special part of Texas with an attraction to millions of individuals who ranch and come to vacation, hunt, rest, and relax each year. Along with the area's spectacular beauty, the Hill Country has its own special needs for management.
