Executive Committee
President | Lee Pacatte |
Vice-President | Kristi Vogt |
Secretary | Kelly Dempsey |
Treasurer | Mary Sue Miller |
Directors & Committee Chairs
Basic Training Plans and implements basic training program for Master Naturalists in Training | Beverly Angel Melody Cole |
Communications Manage website and social media including public and private group Facebook pages as well as Instagram. | Marva Mouser David McGriffy |
Education Manages and oversees the volunteers, liaison, and committees that affect education through various programs for members and the public within the Chapter’s community. | Anna Marie Blair |
Food & Fun Coordinates meals & refreshments for meetings and special events | Caroline Boyd |
Membership Chapter membership roster, volunteer management system, member certification, achievement awards and chapter merchandise management | Traci Vickers |
Outreach Plans an annual program of chapter participation in public events for the purpose of showcasing Lost Pines Chapter, TMN mission, goals and programs. Develops new educational programs, coordinates in-person outreach events, keeps materials inventory for chapter use. | outreach@lostpinesmasternaturalist.org |
Programs Ensures chapter meetings have speakers, venues, and AV equipment operational. | Ellen Prediger Mayra Guisinger |
Public Relations Blog, newspaper publicity, partner and local community relationships, marketing | James Stolpa |
New Class Representative Allows newest chapter members to provide input in chapter operations | — |
Videographer Documents chapter activities and events on video, creates documentary-style footage for the chapter archive and social media | Michelle Belden David McGriffy |
Environmental Stewardship Reviews, researches, coordinates chapter environmental improvement projects; water testing, bio-census, garden installations, nature trails, wildlife habitat, and Bridge Maniacs | Wesley Smith |
Interpretive Hikes Trains hike leaders, coordinates and schedules seasonal interpretive hike programs for the public, as well as private groups | Benjamin Kanten |
Junior Master Naturalist Plans and implements Junior Master Naturalist program for school age children | Carolyn Turman |
Other Board Members
Past President | |
Member-at-Large Provide continuity and act as a resource to the Board of Directors | Patricia Todd |