The Christmas Bay Foundation will again be hosting its annual abandoned crab trap removal program 8:30 AM Saturday, March 1, 2025.
Excerpt for the CBF web page:
In 2015, CBF relaunched the Abandoned Crab Trap Removal Program, in partnership with the TP&WD and increased the effectiveness of the project by securing the Brazoria County Search & Rescue team to provide airboats & pilots to take volunteers recruited by CBF on a search of Christmas Bay for the traps. The crab trap removal program was featured on the front page of the Galveston County Daily Newspaper.
Volunteer to help at our next abandoned crab trap removal. It is a great way to be out on the water while making a real, physical impact in providing a valuable service to the marine life and habitat of Christmas Bay.
Meeting place will be the San Luis County Park headquarters and boats will launch from there. Dress for the elements. Hip/chest waders are recommended.
VMS Code: RM: Managing Natural Resource Areas and Wildlife (Service Project)
VMS Description: Crab Trap Removal