February 14, 2023 6:30 PM – Click on the date for more information.
Michelle Connally, 2018
Find out what your fellow MNs did, learned and produced by participating in the two MN local chapter grant projects this year. We’ll summarize the ongoing seed grow-out project, with helpful information on how you can grow your own tough to germinate seeds at home. Then, we’ll cover the methods and plans that Cliff Tyllick taught in his invasive species eradication workshop, and some of the encouraging facts that we learned from Cliff. What we learned from Cliff about how and when girdling fails was just as important as what we learned about how to do it right. We’ll show all the simple tools we used.
Carol is an amateur botany enthusiast, a Monarch Watch Conservation Specialist, a member of the Native Plant Society of Texas and a member of the Blackland Prairie Master Naturalists. Carol grew up with a nature photographer father and wildlife artist brother, and has spent much of her life looking around in the great outdoors. Her favorite things to do are leading discovery walks in local natural areas and finding and photographing interesting plants. She also has her own blog – http://carolsworld.net/.