By Sally Evans, Member Emeritus and Class of 2000.
A cotton tailed rabbit in my garden dwells, lifting its nose to smell the smells
And lifting its ears to hear the sounds.
It has eaten the pansies one by one; I’m not sure what other eating it has done
As it makes its nightly rounds.
It seems to have lost its rabbitly fear of the dog and two people who are living here
For it often just stands its ground.
Daily I do a garden ‘walk-about’ seeing which plants should be pulled out
Or what new ones can be found,
And the rabbit sits and watches me, letting me closer than I would normally be.
It is quite brave for its tiny pounds.
To watch this creature sit in the sun, to note its little need to run,
Has been a feeling quite profound.
Covid 19 has made me stop and look, learning more than from a book,
Emotion and knowledge have become confound.
We come from Nature, our parent so to speak; so why such havoc do we wreak
On that which we rely? ZOUNDS!

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