Dr. Wayne Meyer will be leading classes in how to identify and enjoy local birds this spring. Starting in mid-March, just as the temperatures should start to warm up, the classes… Read More →
Our Tribe’s Fortune – Gold: 1,000 Hours – Renee Dowhaniuk
“Unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot,
Nothing is going to get better. It’s not.”
― Dr. Seuss, The Lorax
The Friends of Hagerman NWR Refuge Roundup was a Big Success, Thanks to TMN Volunteers!
Submitted by Patricia Crain, Class of 2018 The Refuge Roundup festival on the Second Saturday in October is always a big day for the Friends of Hagerman National Wildlife Refuge,… Read More →
Wanted: Nature Tram Tour Drivers at Hagerman NWR
Posted by Patricia Crain, Class of 2018 Would you enjoy sharing your love of nature with interested tourists and visitors of a National Wildlife Refuge? The Friends of Hagerman NWR… Read More →
Rewilding Sticker Hill: Is it Finally Fall?
By Karen Glenn BPTMN, Posted by Patricia Crain Class of 2018 Article V of the Rewilding Series Leaves are beginning to drop from trees and shrubs, summer plants are drying… Read More →
Rewilding Sticker Hill: Trying to Succeed at Succession
Article and Photos by Karen Glenn, Blackland Prairie Master Naturalist; Submitted by Patricia Crain, Class of 2018 One thing I really love about the concept of rewilding is the opportunity… Read More →
Volunteers Needed at Hagerman National Wildlife Refuge
Share your love of nature with visitors to a National Wildlife Refuge, while meeting other nature enthusiasts. Volunteers greet visitors and provide trail maps and other refuge information, including interpretation. Volunteers engage youth with the Junior and Advanced Ranger programs, including oath recital and badge awards.
BioBlitz and Mothing Event at Hagerman National Wildlife Refuge
A one-of-a-kind opportunity for families, students, and all nature-lovers to learn about plants and wildlife and help scientists survey them. Participants will team up with other Texas Master Naturalists to search for and document as many plants and animals as possible at Hagerman National Wildlife refuge.
Rewilding: What May Grow Without The Mow?
Small property owners can make a substantial impact on the local flora and fauna by providing native vegetation that local food webs count on. Small properties may act as steppingstones between larger sections of native habitat, providing a place for migrating species to rest and forage. Read about how Karen Glenn, BPTMN, is “Rewilding” her property to support native wildlife.
Welcome to Our Tribe: Kim Tingle
Patricia Crain, Class of 2018 My name is Kim Tingle and I’m a fourth-generation Collin County native. I grew up playing in the creek beds of Honey Creek, Wilson Creek,… Read More →