The Blackland Prairie chapter of the Texas Master Naturalists program has a fairly extensive library available for its members. See the list below and visit table at the monthly chapter meeting.
Updates from our Librarian, Linder O’Rourke
Blackland Prairie Chapter Library – New Additions
Linder O’Rourke, Class of 2023 – Check out the new additions to our chapter’s library.
Message from our Librarian
Attention BPC/TMN members! Please do not donate any new books without checking with the Chapter Librarian Linder Orourke or Training Director Nancy Casillas. The library…
BPC Library Update Wish List
Linder O’Rourke, Class of 2023 – Below is a partial list of books suggested by Nancy Casillas, incoming Class Director of our chapter for 2024-25,…
Book Reviews
Desert Solitaire by Edward Abbey
This classic of American environmental writing is not a book about the desert but an…
Gathering Moss: A Book Review by the Chapter Librarian
Gathering Moss: by Robin Wall Kimmerer A Book Review by the TMN Blackland Prairie Chapter…
A Thousand Mile Walk to the Gulf by John Muir: A Book Review
A Book Review by BPC Librarian, Linder O’Rourke – A Thousand Mile Walk to the…
Toxic Plants
Susan Abernethy, Class of 2018 – My HOA asked me to assist them in identifying…
A Botanist’s Vocabulary | Pell and Angell |
A Dazzle of Dragonflies | Mitchell |
A Dictionary of Common Wildflowers 1 | Holloway |
A Dictionary of Common Wildflowers 2 | Holloway |
A Feathered River Across the Sky | Greenberg |
A Guide to Freshwater Ecology | Tx Commission |
A Hummingbird in My House | Heidcamp |
A Management Guide to Invasive Plants | Miller |
A Natural History of Owls | Everett |
A Natural State- Essays of Texas | Harrigan |
A Plague of Frogs | Souder |
A Sand County Almanac | Leopold |
A Sand County Almanac | Leopold |
Adventures of a Frontier Naturalist | Lincecum |
Adventures with a Tx Naturalist 1 | Bedichek |
Adventures with a Tx Naturalist 2 | Bedichek |
Against the Grain: Agriculture | Manning |
American Women Afield | Bonta |
An Introduction to Ornithology | Wallace |
Audubon Guide to Wildlife Refuges SW 1 | Gibson |
Audubon Guide to Wildlife Refuges SW 2 | Gibson |
Audubon’s Birds of America | Dock |
Back Roads of Texas | Thollander |
Big Snake | Twigger |
The Biology of Lakes and Ponds | Bronmark and Hansson |
Birding Trails of Tx Gulf Coast | Foster |
Birds of Tx Field Guide | Tekiela |
Bringing Nature Home 1 | Tallamy |
Bringing Nature Home 2 | Tallamy |
Bringing Nature Home 3 | Tallamy |
Buffalo Bird Woman’s Garden | Wilson |
Buffalo for the Broken Heart | O’Brien |
Butterflies and Moths: DK | Taylor |
Butterfly Book | Stokes |
Chasing Neotropical Birds | Thornton |
Desert Solitaire 1 | Abbey |
Desert Solitaire 2 | Abbey |
Dragonflies and Damselflies TX | Abbott |
Endangered and Threatened Animals | Campbell |
Exploring the Edges of Tx | Davis |
Field & Forest Guide Native Landscape | Scott |
Field Guide Outdoor Plants SW 1 | Roach |
Field Guide Outdoor Plants SW 2 | Roach |
Field Guide to Birds N America | Nat’l Geo |
Field Guide to Birds of N. Americas | Kaufman |
Field Guide to Birds of Tx | Peterson |
Field Guide to Trees | Simpson |
Field Guide to Trees Eastern Region | Nat’l Aud Soc |
Field Guide to Tx Trees | Simpson |
Field Guide: Texas Snakes | Tennant |
For the Love of Wild Places | Dimijian |
For the Love of Wild Places 2 | Dimijian |
Fresh Air Fiend | Theroux |
Gifts of the Wild | Zwinger |
Goodbye to a River | Graves |
Guide to Field ID: Trees N America | Golden Book |
Guide to Night Sounds | Elliott |
Hawks and Eagles | Sutton |
Hot House | Strom |
Hummingbirds of Texas | Shackleford |
Illumination in the Flatwoods | Hutto |
Inherit the Hunt | Posewitz |
John Muir: An Autobiography | Brennan |
Last Child in the Woods | Louv |
LIfe in the Treetops | Lowman |
Milkweed, Monarchs and More | Oberhausen |
On the Wing: Peregrine Falcon | Tennant |
One Man’s Owl | Heinrich |
Oxford Dictionary Earth Sciences | Allaby |
Peterson Field Guide Eastern Birds | Peterson |
Peterson First Guides: Caterpillars | Wright |
Prairie Time | White |
Prairie Time 2 | White |
Range Plants of N Central Texas | Linex |
Ranger Confidential | Lankford |
Remarkable Plants of Texas | Turner |
Roadside Geology of Tx | Spearing |
Roy Bedichek’s Vanishing Frontier CD | Bedicheck |
Sharing Nature with Children | Cornell |
Sharing the Wonder of Birds with Kids | Erickson |
Silent Spring | Carson |
Stearns Dictionary Plant Names | Stearns |
Texas Fossils | Matthews |
Texas Game Warden | Wood |
Texas Nature and Environmental Centers Guide | Moulton |
Texas Natural History | Schmidly |
Texas Master Naturalist (textbook) | Haggerty/Meuth |
Texas Weather | Bowmar |
Texas Wild | Phelan |
The Backyard Naturalist 1 | Tufts |
The Backyard Naturalist 2 | Tufts |
The Bats of Texas | Schmidly |
The Big Year | Obmascik |
The Blossom of the Bough | Dowden |
The Calls of Frogs and Toads CD | Elliott |
The Cast Iron Forest | Francaviglia |
The Encyclopedia of Herbs and Herbalism | Stuart |
The Forest Unseen | Haskell |
The Grasses of Texas | Gould |
The Hidden Life of Trees 1 | Wohlleben |
The Hidden Life of Trees 2 | Wohlleben |
The Illustrated Book of Trees | Grimm |
The Leafcutter Ants | Holldobler |
The Mammals of Tx Bulletin 41 | Davis |
The Mammals of Texas Online Edition (Thanks Jean Suplick for posting this link) | Davis |
The Soil Will Save Us | Ohlson |
The Sixth Extinction | Kolbert |
The Wind Masters | Dunne |
Trees of Texas | Stahl |
Water from Stone | Greene |
Wesley the Owl | O’Brien |
Where the Sky Began | Madison |
Wild Guide Dragonflies | Berger |
Wildflowers of Texas | Eason |
Wildlife and Man in Texas | Doughty |
Winter Tree Finder | Watts |
Winter World | Heinrich |
Your Remarkable Riparian | Nueces |