Michelle Connally, 2018
Starting in April 2020, the Shaking of the Trees newsletter provided myself and others a connection to our fellow chapter members in a time of isolation. Hooked from Edition 1 including posts about Cynthia’s Frankford Prairie Wild Hyacinths, Donna Cole’s brown snake, Clyde’s owls, a link to Carol’s World Blog, Susan’s Homemade mask request, Sally’s poem “Seeing ’round the bend, Laura’s Heard update, Tasha’s wildlife management approval, Ed’s covid tips and Beverly’s lovely azaleas, man I could not wait for Canter’s Edition 2 and here we are today on Edition 22.
Over the spring of 2021, Sally Evans, Deborah “Canter”bury, Tom Shackelford, Linda Nixon and myself worked on Sally’s idea to celebrate the connections shared by the Shaking of the Trees newsletter. We met at the Heard to record Sally performing her poem “Seeing ’round the bend” and Linda used her magical skills to create a wonderful one minute video that gives the viewer a small slice of what our chapter members were up to last year.
Please enjoy Linda’s video, Turn it Up to hear Sally recite her poem from the April 2020 1st edition while viewing a few of the photos submitted by our fellow chapter members.
Thank you for sharing your interests, stories, photos, videos, blogs and articles with everyone.
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