This classic of American environmental writing is not a book about the desert but an elegy for a piece of nature no longer pristine. The author spent 3 seasons as a park ranger in southeastern Utah in the spring and summer of the mid 1960s through 1968 at Arches National Monument.
Linder O'Rourke
Message from our Librarian
Attention BPC/TMN members! Please do not donate any new books without checking with the Chapter Librarian Linder Orourke or Training Director Nancy Casillas. The library is in the process of… Read More →
Gathering Moss: A Book Review by the Chapter Librarian
Gathering Moss: by Robin Wall Kimmerer A Book Review by the TMN Blackland Prairie Chapter Librarian Linder O’Rourke August 5, 2024 This lovely narrative begins with Robin Kimmerer’s memories as… Read More →
A Thousand Mile Walk to the Gulf by John Muir: A Book Review
A Book Review by BPC Librarian, Linder O’Rourke – A Thousand Mile Walk to the Gulf by John Muir: Writings compiled by John Bade: John Muir is known as the “father of our national parks” and is one of America’s greatest voices for the preservation of our wilderness. This short narrative about his walk from New England to the southern states in America which he called his “foot-tour” is beautifully chronicled and illustrated.