Texas Master Naturalist Coastal Prairie Chapter Signature Project
Education of the public about the importance of restoring fallow, unproductive lands into native habitat is also part of the TMN CPC’s goal. Click on the links below for more information about Seabourne Creek Nature Park.
- Nature Days “Where Nature Comes Alive!” – NEW!
- Upcoming Events at Seabourne Creek Nature Park – NEW!
- Butterfly Garden
- Native Plant Garden
- Prairie Restoration Project
- Wetland Pond
- Bird Sanctuary
- Arboretum
- Seabourne Lake
- Girl Scout and Boy Scout Projects
- Bird Hikes Information and Bird List
- Plant, Insect and Spider Lists
- Weekend Nature Walks
- Self guided tour of Seabourne Creek Nature Park
- Lake Maintenance and Enhancement
- Purple Martin Condos
Located in Rosenberg, Texas off Hwy 36, it’s a great place to visit and observe nature in all its glory. Click here to see a map of the park and for directions.
Photos by TMN CPC members

Before the city of Rosenberg acquired the park in 1993 this land used to be a coastal prairie for thousands of years and then a cotton farm which resulted in very poor soil. There was no lake and no trees except along the creek beds and fence rows. A year later, in 1994, the lake and other infrastructure was funded by an Outdoor Recreation Grant from the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department but the majority of this 164-acre park languished for 15 years. In 2009, the Coastal Prairie Chapter had the grand idea of turning parts of a Rosenberg city park from a cotton field into a nature and wetlands preserve. We named it the Seabourne Creek Nature Park.

Since then, thanks to a generous grant from the city, chapter volunteers have strived
to convert 164 acres within the park into productive habitat for native Texas flora and fauna.
We have created a natural and environmentally productive wildlife habitat that allows park visitors to get close to nature.

Throughout the ensuring years, we have expanded our efforts to include improvements to all areas of the park. We invite the public to come out and see what we’ve done so far. Enjoy the beautiful natural wetlands we have created from scratch, view the results of restoration of 20 acres into quality prairie land using thousands of plants grown onsite by chapter members each year, watch butterflies flit about the butterfly garden, and get ideas for your own landscaping in the native and prairie plant demo garden.
SCNP’S 20 Year Vision
The Chapter has been asked by the Rosenberg Development Corporation to provide a 20-year vision for the park; recommend native trees and other plants, including species and locations; create and implement a fish stocking plan; develop and deliver seminars and outreach programs at the Rosenberg Civic Center and the park; provide advice regarding irrigation needs; recommend walkways, in terms of locations and materials; create educational signage; and act as coordinator and liaison for other volunteer organizations’ contributions to the park (e.g. Eagle Scout projects, youth groups, Master Gardener projects).
SCNP Videos & Photos
John Donaho’s beautiful video of Seabourne Creek Nature Park:
Seabourne Creek Project Photos
Seabourne Scrapbook (PDF) — This scrapbook was put together in July 2010 by Cheryl Sedivec and other Coastal Prairie Master Naturalists to tell “A Story of Restoration” at Seabourne Creek Park; it discusses the park’s history, TMNCPCs plans, and activities to date.
Visit our Seabourne Creek Photo Gallery to see more pictures of the project and our members and other volunteers at work.
Kurt Bundy’s Log Entries 2009-2010
Click here to read about A History of Seabourne Creek Nature Park
Seabourne Creek News Briefs

June 2009
In 2009, then Chapter President Karl Baumgartner orchestrated a park proposal in Rosenberg with great potential as a TMNCPC Project. In addition to the attached Editorial Page item, the Fort Bend Herald also ran a front page article about the proposed park improvements by Don Munsch on 25 June, 2009.