Text by Jerry Trenta, TMNCPC Seabourne Creek Nature Park director. Photos by Lynn Trenta, Courier editor, and Jerry Trenta. Condensed from July 1 TMNCPC Courier article.
It was a hot and humid Saturday morning at Seabourne Creek Nature Park, but what was accomplished was really cool. I want to thank all Texas Master Naturalist Coastal Prairie Chapter members who participated in the June 19 prairie planting event, which significantly reduced the number of mature native plants in the nursery.

A dozen TMNCPC volunteers set a SCNP record for the most plants planted by chapter members in a single day – 320. That broke the previous record of 290 for chapter-only volunteers and the previous high all-volunteer record of 303 (LDS volunteers and TMNCPC members.)
During the next couple of months, more holes will be dug, and more plants will need to be freed from their pots.

Separately, the Butterfly Garden Pergola Extension was completed on June 18 by Eagle Scout Hayden Degeyter and his Scout Troop members and family. It was an outstanding accomplishment on June 18, a very hot day. The project doubled the amount of shade at the garden available for visitors.