Webinar Title: Ethnobotany and the Appreciation of Native Plants
AT-VMS: AT: Hill Country Chapter Webinars (Enter AT#, Class Title as posted, and Presenter)
Comments: AT22-029 Webinar Ethnobotany and the Appreciation of Native Plants, Presenter: Maeve Bassett (AT=1h)
Webinar Date: 02/23/2022
Webinar Time: 6:30p-8:00p
This presentation follows a short business meeting.
Event Summary:
Applied ethnobotany and its application at the San Antonio Botanical Garden.
Event Description:
Maeve Bassett will introduce applied ethnobotany and its application at the San Antonio Botanical Garden to garner a greater appreciation for plants, especially the often misunderstood and under-appreciated Texas Native Plants. The historical and contemporary relationships between a variety of Texas native plants will be covered and the importance of these plants to birds and butterflies.
Cost: no charge
Register @: Not required
Click to join the meeting: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/82768165969?pwd=dkhkSFlqUjVqcmRmQ3BaNmpqRWZHdz09
Meeting ID: 827 6816 5969
Passcode: 304790
To call in, find your toll-free number: https://us02web.zoom.us/zoomconference?m=ODI3NjgxNjU5Njk.NYGahED1CSCK_pGTe_ykRCiSzD3u5bW6&_x_zm_rtaid=1QEtLWM_TDyB14oGlhNVPA.1639421020971.600eb610b1c91d5db7a52f86385834ba&_x_zm_rhtaid=725
Maeve Bassett, Conservation and Volunteer Programs Specialist, San Antonio Botanical Garden
Contact Information:
Organization Website:
Sponsoring Organization:
Bexar Audubon Society