Event Title: Migratory Birds in the Landscape
VMS-AT: AT: Hill Country Chapter Other Approved Training (Enter AT#, Class Title as posted, Location, and Presenter)
Comments: AT22-109 Migratory Birds in the Landscape, Austin, Presenter: get name (AT=2h)
Event Date: 3/10/2022
Event Time: 8:00a-10:00a
This event repeats on 4/14, 5/12, 6/09
Event Summary:
Bird Walk with a focus on Migratory Birds.
Event Description:
Join birders from Travis Audubon and horticulturists from the Wildflower Center on a morning walk. Your guides will help identify migratory birds and the native plants they rely on for food and shelter. Bring binoculars to see what feathered friends are passing through.
This class will take place in person at the Wildflower Center. Space is limited and registration is required. Face masks are optional. Please review our Safety Guidelines before your visit.
Cost: $15.00
FREE for Wildflower Center members and Travis Audubon members.
Register @:
3/10: https://17442a.blackbaudhosting.com/17442a/Migratory-Birds-in-the-Landscape-10Mar2022
4/14: https://17442a.blackbaudhosting.com/17442a/Migratory-Birds-in-the-Landscape-14Apr2022
5/12: https://17442a.blackbaudhosting.com/17442a/Migratory-Birds-in-the-Landscape-12May2022
6/09: https://17442a.blackbaudhosting.com/17442a/Migratory-Birds-in-the-Landscape-09Jun2022
Event Location:
Wildflower Center
4801 La Crosse Ave.
Austin, TX 78739
get names for VMS entry
Contact Information:
[email protected]
Organization Website: https://www.wildflower.org/event/migratory-birds-landscape/all
Sponsoring Organization:
Wildflower Center