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AT22-202 Native Wildflower Naturescape Tour

April 23, 2022 @ 9:00 AM - 2:00 PM


Event Title: AT22-202 Native Wildflower Naturescape Tour

AT-VMS: AT: Native Plant Society of Texas (Enter AT#, Class Title as posted, Name of NPSOT Chapter, and Presenter)

Comments: AT22-202 Native Wildflower Naturescape Tour, Kerrville Chapter, Presenter: Sharon Walling (AT=1h)

Event Date: 04/23/2022
Event Time: 9:00a-2:00p

Event Summary:
See an urban wildflower garden and learn how it was created.

Event Description:
Sharon has created an urban wildflower garden that she has created over many years. Sharon previously won a Water-saver Garden award for her naturescape. In celebration of Native Plant Month, she will be available along with garden docents to answer your questions about her garden and native plants. Please note that the time is flexible, but you can only receive one hour AT.Visitors will be required to sign a liability form before entering her garden. This event is available to any TMN or NPSOT member/guests. Reservations are required. Details are sent out before the event to those who have registered.

Cost: Free

Registration @ https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdTawqoTjItOR-GdSDfnpvJ0aVp_tyjAjTU2DL9ozOBm6jBvQ/viewform

Event Location:
Sharon’s homeKerrville, TX

Sharon Walling

Contact Information:
[email protected]

Organization Website:

Sponsoring Organization:
NPSOT, Kerrville Chapter