Event Title: SABOT: Creating a Resilient Garden, San Antonio
VMS-AT: Hill County Chapter other ((Enter AT#, Class Title as posted, Location, and Presenter):TMN AT Report Hours
Comments: AT25-049 SABOT: Creating a Resilient Garden, San Antonio, Presenters:
Anna Vogler and Lynn Cox (AT=1.5h)
Event Date: 02/27/2025
Event Time: 1p- 2:30p
Event Summary: Learn how to recreate a resilient garden that will withstand our hill country environment and weather.
Event Description: Our region’s unique climate and soil poses numerous challenges for home gardeners. Earth-Kind-Landscaping techniques use research-proven practices to overcome these challenges. In this workshop, Bexar County Master Gardeners will share these methods to provide for a beautiful and resilient home landscape while conserving water and protecting the environment.
Cost: $15 ($10 member). Registration closes when filled.
Register @ https://sabg.ticketapp.org/portal/product/606/events
Registration and Cancellation policy https://www.sabot.org/learn/registration-cancellation-policies/
Event Location:
San Antonio Botanical Gardens
555 Funston Place
San Antonio, TX 78209
Presenter: Anna Vogler and Lynn Cox, Bexar County Master Gardeners
Contact Information: 210-536-1400
Organization Website: https://www.sabot.org
Sponsoring Organization: San Antonio Botanical Gardens