Event Title: AT22-327 Llano River Riparian Woodlands
VMS-AT: AT: Hill Country Chapter Other Approved Training (Enter AT#, Class Title as posted, Location, and Presenter)
TX Water Specialist use AT:
TX Waters Certification Training (Enter AT#, Class Title as posted, Location, and Presenter)
Comments: AT22-327 Llano River Riparian Woodlands, Junction, Presenter: Steve Nelle (AT=4h)
Event Date: 9/10/2022
Event Time: 8:30a-12:30p
Event Summary:
Have you noticed we’re losing the Llano River riparian woodlands little by little? Learn what’s impacting these irreplaceable woodlands and what can be done.
Event Description:
Learn or review the introductory principles of a healthy riparian, including the plants and land management practices that create a functioning riparian, providing values to all.
8:30-10:00 Indoor presentation covering the introductory principles of a healthy riparian and the impact of Axis deer at the Llano River Field Station, TTU Center Junction.
10:00-12:30 Field Trip to the South Llano River State Park with three stops.
Cost: $10.00
Register @: Go to https://www.llanoriver.org/ for form and to register online or by mail.
Event Location:
Llano River Field Station
Texas Tech University Center
254 Red Raider Lane
Junction, TX
Steve Nelle
Contact Information:
Scott Richardson
[email protected]
Organization Website:
Sponsoring Organization:
Llano River Watershed Alliance