AT24-278 WEBINAR NPSOT:How to Grow Plants from Seeds, Trinity Forks Chapter
WebinarLearn how to grow Native Plants from Seeds
Learn how to grow Native Plants from Seeds
This workshop offers instruction on Merlin and eBird, to make bird identification easier and more accurate and record keeping and data submission efficient and beneficial to both the individual birder and the birding community.
Learn about Nectar Availability and Seed Time to learn better when to plant and when to harvest seeds
Learn how to track legislation and topics
Learn how to use the website
This workshop will highlight current and past research aimed at understanding the role of fire and grazing in
the management of chemically defended plants, including common, invasive shrub species such as the redberry juniper
and honey mesquite.
Monthly Chapter Meeting and AT on various subjects
Through Chapter Involvement, we can better understand the distribution of more than 30 species of bats in Texas.
Monarch Joint Venture Monthly Series
Author Rufus Stephens, co-author of the book, Land Stewardship for Birds: A Guide for Central Texas, will speak about conserving and enhancing local habitats - live oak savannahs, grasslands, and residential yards.
Join on the last Wednesday of most months at learn to know more the "bugs" you should know.