Migratory Birds and how to use "Birds of the World"
How to improve the soil and regenerate the soil sponge.
KR-06-A Kerr County Courthouse, 700 Main St, Kerrville The First Tuesday of each month until sometime this spring (unless it's raining), from 9 am to 10 am. Contact: Pam Lienhard plienhard@gmail.com
Texas Parks and Wildlife Department in general, and the Wildlife Diversity Program’s Urban Wildlife Technical Guidance Team specifically, has long recognized the need to increase our interactions with and response to traditionally underserved audiences.
If you have attended the Beekeeping Basics program or already have bees and are ready for some more in depth information, this virtual program will cover those needs! We will discuss the next steps in beekeeping now that you are beekeeper, but still don't have all the answers. This is very much a "What's Next?" course.
Summer months: Wednesdays 8-10 am, meeting dates and times subject to change with season Wildscape garden maintenance and installation of plants. This project is critical for our organization. It is contracted with UGRA in exchange for Lecture Hall use for monthly meetings and classes. TMN Guidance for Outdoor Service: • Be mindful of and follow... Read More →
This is a recurring service morning every Wednesday. Each week a group of intrepid workers with a passion for plants and a love of the outdoors meets at Riverside Nature Center to help maintain RNC’s gardens, particularly the butterfly garden and the meadows. This is an excellent opportunity to learn about native plants and their... Read More →
Learn all about eBird, an online database of bird observations providing scientists, researchers and amateur naturalists with real-time data about bird distribution and abundance.
How bird migration is forcasted using technology and data modeling.
Texas Association for Environmental Education: Rooted in Environmental Education - 2021 TAEE Conference
Texas Association for Environmental Education: Rooted in Environmental Education - 2021 TAEE Conference
earn about creating landscapes to attract birds to your backyard! NLCP is a state-wide program, but classes focus on the characteristics and plants in the region in which they are taught. NOTE: Class is specific to the San Antonio area and is held in 2 separate sessions.
Learn how to give native plants proper maintenance.
Join author Jennifer L Bristol to talk birds!