Charlise Hill Larson, 2019 and 2021-22 Vice President

As many of you know, Spring weather in Texas can be unpredictable. Our Deep Dive originally scheduled for this past Monday, March 21, had to end shortly after it began due to tornadoes and thunderstorms. We have rescheduled our time with Chris Ulch, so please join us, via Zoom, on Thursday March 31 at 7pm as Chris will share the process of becoming a Certified Interpretative Guide. Chris was certified in 2021 and is a trainee in our 2022 Master Naturalist Class.
You may wonder, what the heck is interpretive guiding? You’ve probably experienced it if you’ve been out with a nature guide who filled your mind with wonder and curiosity as you explored your small part of the natural world. “Interpretation is a form of communication that goes beyond facts to reveal what things mean, how they fit together and why they matter” USDA Forest Service, Pacific Northwest Region, Portland, OR. So come join us, and learn something new. See if certified interpretive guiding is something you’d like to add to your skill set.
You are invited to a Zoom meeting.When: Mar 31, 2022 07:00 PM Central Time (US and Canada)
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