Jean Suplick, 2018
Have you heard about the Great Texas Wildlife Trail (GTWT)? Click the link and check out the interactive maps. The maps have been available in beautiful paper format for many years, and you can order them from the website.

Texas is, well, a big state, and a small TPWD staff simply cannot physically conduct GTWT site visits on the regular basis required for keeping the maps up to date. That is why they reached out to Texas Master Naturalist chapters for help in a new program called Adopt-a-Loop. What’s a loop, you ask? It is a driving route connecting sites on the GTWT.
Our Blackland Prairie Chapter adopted the Lake Lavon and Tawakoni loops which include places many will be familiar with: Connemara Meadow Nature Preserve, the Heard Natural Science Museum and Wildlife Sanctuary, Arbor Hills Nature Preserve, Clymer Meadow, and Lake Lavon Trinity Trail.
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[…] the past year, chapter members Jean Suplick and Duane Mortenson have shared some great information about local trails in the area. We also have […]