Saturday, February 13, 2016
9:00a.m. – noon
3 hours advanced training
Cost = $15.00
In This workshop you will learn about pollinator bees and then build your own nest cavity bee box. The $15.00 FEE covers the cost of materials.
Mason bees and Leafcutter bees are among the world’s most efficient pollinators. Their energetic swimming-like motion in the reproductive structures of flowers moves the pollen. They are extremely inefficient at gathering pollen; compared to all other bee families, megachilids require on average nearly 10 times as many trips to flowers to gather sufficient resources to provision a single brood cell, which moves lots of pollen.
These bees do not sting!
Registration: contact emmeline dodd atÂ
txdodd@aol.com to sign up for the class. Limit of 20 persons. Bring $15.00 registration fee to the February gbac chapter meeting or when you come to class on feb. 13.