Chapter meetings are the first Thursday of February, April, June, August, October and December. They are generally held at the AgriLife Building at Carbide Park in La Marque, starting with snacks and social in the early evening, followed by 30 minutes for updates on volunteer/training opportunities, Chapter business and other happenings, and concluding with a one-hour program that qualifies for Advanced Training. The December meeting is a special end-of-year celebration. Please check our events calendar for specific details.
Board meetings are generally the first Tuesday of each month, although they may be a week earlier if necessary to precede the Chapter Meeting. Board Meetings are open to the membership.
Members report their volunteer and advanced training hours in the Volunteer Management System (VMS) which can be found on the Report Your Hours page. It is important to report all hours, since they are assigned a value of more than $20 per hour and are used for matching grants and budget applications.
You will receive news about approved opportunities via email from the Chapter; sign-up lists are available at Chapter Meetings; and AT opportunities are publicized on the calendar and in the Midden. Visit our What We Do page for more volunteering opportunities. A list of approved opportunities is available on the Report Your Hours page.
If you wish to accumulate hours spent on volunteer service or advanced training that has not been approved by the Chapter, complete a volunteer pre-approval request or an advanced training pre-approval request. Both of these forms are available on our Resources, Forms page. Or contact our volunteer or AT Directors.
Students attending our Training Class can begin accumulating volunteer and advanced training hours (for activities not associated with classes) from the first day of class.
You can become more knowledgeable about our activities by attending Chapter Meetings and volunteering for a variety of volunteer/advanced training activities. You will meet more people and, hopefully, identify specific areas of interest. Let others know of your interests and skill sets; ask them how your expertise can best be put to use.
Contact the Communications Director.
Individual copies are provided during the Training Class; they are also available on our Membership page under Chapter Documents.
Officers and directors are listed on our Membership page under Board of Directors. Feel free to contact them!
Students are permitted to miss one of our Training Class sessions. However, we’d like you to make up the content you missed; contact the New Class Director for more information. Possibilities include attending an equivalent session at a neighboring chapter, identifying alternate ways of obtaining the training or attending the missed session in the next Training Class.