We are continuing our monthly surveys at Galveston Island State Park for this month on Wednesday May 13th at 9am to noon! Our champion TERN volunteers are taking the lead to continue this great effort!
We will return to the three spots we will be surveying: the beach with less human activity, the “VIP” freshwater ponds/coastal prairie and everyone’s favorite, the birding tower. Please notice that we are using a new sign up system to track those who are attending! It’s very simple, follow the link and enter your information.
To register for the GISP Bird Survey CLICK HERE
I will email registered participants in case of bad weather or with other late-breaking announcements. You can also checkout the website (http://AudubonTERN.org) for the latest info.
We are always looking for new TERN participants. Please pass the word along to others that might be interested. Group survey activities are a great way to get involved. New and experienced birders are always welcomed!
Please contact me with questions/comments.
Kari Howard, Audubon Coastal Associate
409-941-9114 ext.104 khoward@audubon.org