VOL – Featherfest

Featherfest will be held this year! Information will be coming on volunteer opportunities so hold the date. Check out their schedule at FeatherFest 2021

VOL – AT Committee meeting via ZOOM

ZOOM Meeting

The Advanced Training committee will be meeting on Monday April 19, 2021 at 10am Contact Ellen Gerloff for ZOOM information.    Opportunity:  Administration Work, Board/Committee

VOL – Diversity Committee via ZOOM

ZOOM Meeting

Meets the 3rd Monday of the month.   For more information contact Robin Kendrick-Yates Opportunity:  Administrative Work, sub category board/committee, put Diversity Committee in the comments.

AT: TMN Be The Change via ZOOM

ZOOM Meeting

The Texas Master Naturalist Program is happy to announce a new mini-webinar series, “Be The Change”, dedicated to exploring diversity, equity & inclusion opportunities in our natural resource and conservation... Read More →