Event Title: TXMN Annual Meeting AT-VMS: AT: TMN Annual Conference (Enter AT#, Class Title as posted, Location, and Presenter) Comments: AT21-AMĀ (Enter Class Title as posted, Irving/Virtual, and Presenter) Event Date: 10/21/2021 Time: various Summary: Texas Master Naturalist Annual Meeting in Irving, Texas. Event Description: This will be a hybrid event. Please note the chapter... Read More →
Robin and Matt investigate the problems posed by so-called invasive specie
Hill Country Chapter TMN, Monthly Meeting & Presentation
Propagating and Seed Collecting from Native Plants by Beth McMahon.
Two-part series on drawing owls - 10/26/2021 @ 1:30p-3:00p & 11/02/2021 @ 1:30p-3:00p
Monarch Conservation WEbinar: Recovery of the monarch butterfly: Federal and state legislation that can provide hope for this iconic animal
How to draw and document plants for citizen science.
Join us for a Composting Basics Workshop presented by Eco Centro.
Learn about unique archeology sites duringĀ Texas Archeology Month.