AT23-075 Foraging for Edibles, Austin

Wildflower Center

This class will help you reconnect with the land by learning foraging skills and how to ID native plants that are safe for your palate.


AT23-292 Container Gardening Workshop, Austin

Lady Bird Johnson Wildflower Center 4801 La Crosse Ave, Austin, TX, United States

Create a portable native plant paradise on your patio, balcony, or in your yard with this hands-on workshop


AT23-311 Native Plant Maintenance

Lady Bird Johnson Wildflower Center 4801 La Crosse Ave, Austin, TX, United States

Native plants aren’t too high maintenance, but we do still want to give them proper care. Learn the essentials of care.


AT23-333 Drought Tolerant Plants, Austin

Lady Bird Johnson Wildflower Center 4801 La Crosse Ave, Austin, TX, United States

Understanding native plants, learning which plants are more drought tolerant and understanding how to care for them when experiencing drought conditions.


AT23-343 Weed ID, Austin

Lady Bird Johnson Wildflower Center 4801 La Crosse Ave, Austin, TX, United States

Learn how to distinguish between common spring weeds and look-alikes


AT23-344 Seed Propagation 101, Austin

Lady Bird Johnson Wildflower Center 4801 La Crosse Ave, Austin, TX, United States

Learn more about seeds and how their built-in safeguards only germinate when environmental conditions are favorable.
