Email: ElCaminoRealMasterNaturalist at gmail dot com
Officers 2023-2024
President: Carolyn Henderson, cell 254-654-5147 ECRMNPresident at gmail dot com
Vice President / Programs: Liz Lewis, cell 254-482-0403, HollisLewis at yahoo dot com
Secretary: Sue Ann (Suna) Kendall, Also Manager of our Chapter Facebook Page, and our Chapter Blog,
Treasurer: Mike Conner
Committee Directors and Board Members 2023-2024
Past President: Sue Ann (Suna) Kendall
New Class Training: Alan Rudd
Advanced Training: Pamela Neeley
Publicity: Linda Burgess
Membership, Hours Reporting: Patricia Coombs
Communications/Website: Michelle Lopez
Hospitality: Ellen Luckey
State Representative: Linda Jo Conn
Weekly Notification Coordinator: Janice Johnson
Chapter Advisers
Texas Parks and Wildlife: Tim Siegmund, tim dot siegmund at tpwd dot state dot tx dot us
Texas A&M University AgriLife Extension Service: Floyd Ingram, floyd dot ingram at ag dot tamu dot edu
Chapter Partners
El Camino Real Chapter Contact
El Camino Real Master Naturalist,
c/o AgriLife Extension, Suite B
806 N. Crockett
Cameron TX 76520
Phone: 254-697-7045 (AgriLife Extension Office)