From Wikipedia:
“Environmental protection is practiced for protecting the natural environment for the benefit of both the environment and humans. Due to the pressures of overconsumption, population and technology, the biophysical environment is being degraded, sometimes permanently. This has been recognized, and governments have begun placing restraints on activities that cause environmental degradation. Since the 1960s, activity of environmental movements has created awareness of the various environmental problems. There is no agreement on the extent of the environmental impact of human activity and even scientific dishonesty occurs, so protection measures are occasionally debated.”
“Recycling is the process of converting waste materials into new materials and objects. It is an alternative to “conventional” waste disposal that can save material and help lower greenhouse gas emissions. Recycling can prevent the waste of potentially useful materials and reduce the consumption of fresh raw materials, thereby reducing: energy usage, air pollution (from incineration), and water pollution (from landfilling).
Recyclable materials include many kinds of glass, paper, cardboard, metal, plastic, tires, textiles, and electronics. The composting or other reuse of biodegradable waste—such as food or garden waste—is also considered recycling.[4] Materials to be recycled are either brought to a collection center or picked up from the curbside, then sorted, cleaned, and reprocessed into new materials destined for manufacturing.
In the strictest sense, recycling of a material would produce a fresh supply of the same material—for example, used office paper would be converted into new office paper or used polystyrene foam into new polystyrene. However, this is often difficult or too expensive (compared with producing the same product from raw materials or other sources), so “recycling” of many products or materials involves their reuse in producing different materials (for example, paperboard) instead. Another form of recycling is the salvage of certain materials from complex products, either due to their intrinsic value (such as lead from car batteries, or gold from circuit boards), or due to their hazardous nature (e.g., removal and reuse of mercury from thermometers and thermostats).”
It is up to us as Master Naturalists to do everything we can to help protect our natural environments, by being well informed and exercising good judgement in the choices of what we buy or do, and how we educate and influence others. This page is intended to help us in that effort.
Earth Day Ad Hoc Committee information
- See Blog posts on Earth Day 2019 setting up and for the day of the event. And some additional photos by others.
- Ad Hoc environmental committee
- 2018-11-30 Environment Committee First Meeting Report
- 2019-01-18 Environment Committee Earth Day Meeting Report
- Proposed Goals, by Kathy Lester 1/10/19
- 2019-02-13 Environment Committee Earth Day Interim Meeting Report
- 2019- 03-02 Environment Committee Earth Day Meeting Report
- 2019- 04-20 Environment Committee Earth Day Event Report – final report on 2019.
Chapter AT and other presentations
- Nov 8 2018 chapter AT – Albatross and Plastics
- Jan 10 2019 chapter AT – by Joyce Conner Rethinking Recycling
- Jan 10 2019 chapter AT – Turn Discarded Paper into Gift Boxes (coming)
- April 14, 2022 chapter AT – Dr. Frank Summers, “Collateral Damage”. Habitat destruction, loss of critical native species, everything we do in our daily life affects nature, for every action there is reaction, some good some not so good. Let’s Explore: Collateral Damage pdf
Recycling Resources in our area, summarized
- Walmart Bryan Drive In Recycling
- Twin Oaks Landfill BVSWMA
- Twin Oaks Household Hazardous Waste BVSWMA
- BVRI Adriance Lab Road TAMU
Personal projects shared with all
- From Lisa Milewski:
How to make a “no sew” shirt bag from your favorite shirt.
Shirt Bag Instructions
Make No Sew Shirt Bag presentation - From Joyce Conner:
- Making paper gifts boxes from calendar photos.
- Directions document
- Step by Step with photos
- From Mike Conner: Plastic Number Guide
- Learn the codes for identifying plastics – safe, use with caution, never use. (PDF for printing)
- From Joyce Conner: Reuse Empty Bottles:
- Learn how to reuse empty aromatic scent bottles Reuse Empty Bottles
- From Anthony Palomarez with Perlego, a massive resource for learning all about most anything, is one web on “What is Climate Change?” His email said “At over 10,000 words, the article explores things like human impact on climate change, various strategies and theories to combat climate change, individual action, climate change throughout history, and so much more than I can detail in a brief email.” Check it out here. And take a look at everything else they have….amazing!
- From Don Travis: Interesting article from Discover Magazine on “Nine Well Intentioned Efforts That Aren’t Actually Environmentally Friendly”.
- From Desiree Rhodes, a school teacher, and her student, Pierce who motivated her to reach out to us, thanking us for this topical webpage he has used for his education and research on the topic, and offering this wonderful website to add to our site. It has many items of interest to youth, including games to help educate others on this whole topic.
- From Katheryne Hylton. In addition to listing a handful of ideas and activities to get kids interested in environmental issues, the site also features a resource section towards the bottom which features links to independent studies, recycling resources and even some fun games that kids will enjoy.
- From Billy Adams representing Purdue University Global, a member of the Higher Learning Commission. He asked us to share the Purdue University Global’s “45 Sustainability Resources You Need to Know.” This resource highlights 45 noteworthy sources on sustainability and is organized by the following categories: Green Living, Climate Change & Environmental Protection News, Energy and Technology, Sustainability in Business and Government, Sustainability Careers, Sustainability and the Arts, and Ecotourism. They have gathered these 45 educational sites and organized them in the above 7 categories. Enjoy:
- From Don Travis: Having a career in the green industry can be an amazing path. There’s a sea of options to choose from – anything from agriculture, geology, and botany to the technology, business, and architecture field. You get the chance to positively impact the environment while working on modern issues. The green career guide website has lots of info on careers and more.
- Here’s some GREAT educational stuff for kids on all things environmental, from Mitchell Cruickshank is his link to a blog by Sam Walker-Smart, a British columnist; “Teaching kids about the environment can be a daunting task. There’s the scientific jargon, the sense of reasonability you want to impart on them for their future lives, as well as highlighting the issues the world currently faces. If not approached correctly, you could bore them or, at worst, you can scare them. As with any topic, adding fun repetition to proceedings can help young minds retain information. Word games are particularly useful for education and have a long track record of helping complicated words like biosphere stay in the memory banks.” See his neat contributions here: Climate-Weather-Nature-Vocabulary
- Rebecca Winter suggested this website for good information on living a more sustainable life and protecting the environment – by good driving practices. Eco-friendly driving by
- Theresa Bass suggested this website. “As the page features a notable compilation of sustainability resources, I wanted to recommend “What Does it Mean to Lead a Sustainable Company?” published by Grand Canyon University. This guide defines what sustainable business is and how responsible practices and profits can go hand-in-hand. It also outlines the most important factors of sustainable companies, including people, the planet, and profits, and goes on to discuss the benefits of environmentally-friendly business models and what those might look like for different industries. Below is the URL to the sustainability in business resource, if you’d like to share this:
doctoral-journey/what-does-it- mean-lead-sustainable-company - A contribution suggested by Mykael Ray: I have a guide from Mr. Rooter titled “How to Be Environmentally Friendly in a Home With Kids” that I thought would make a helpful addition to your “Websites of Interest” list. The guide provides parents and educators information, resources, and fun activities to teach and encourage children towards sustainable lifestyles. The guide includes topics like recycling, water conservation, energy conservation, and composting. Each section includes tips and ways to help get the children involved.
blog/2021/january/how-to-be- environmentally-friendly-in-a- home-wit/ - A suggestion from Stephen Mash: A colleague of mine recently put together this article on teaching kids how to use technology in environmentally friendly ways. The article covers topics from why this is important to teach kids as well as strategies to help reduce their tech burden on the planet as well as ways we can all use technology to our environmental benefit.
guide/teach-children- technology-environmentally- friendly/ - A contribution from Maggie Monroe. “While I was researching green resources I found you were linking to very helpful and earth friendly resources. We want to educate the public on the benefits and savings of starting a green business and believe our free guide would be a great compliment to your already helpful resources
smallbusiness/starting-a- . I thought this may be a great fit and think this could be helpful to many people especially as our economy evolves and innovates.”business/starting-a-green- business.html - From Brookfield Residential a recently published an article titled “15 Energy-Saving Tips for Homeowners in the US & Canada”. This resource demonstrates 15 different adjustments you can modify in your home to reduce the amount of energy used, especially for those that are spending more time at home after transitioning to remote work life. A few examples listed in this article include; placing plants in strategic spots around your house, using smarter and more efficient large appliances, home maintenance such as sealing air gaps and painting walls brighter colors, and using a newer thermostat. This article ends with a list of energy rebates and incentives that are available for living in a greener home.
- A submission by Theresa Bass reaching out on behalf of the informational website, Master’s in Data Science, a site designed to provide prospective and current data science students with information on degree options, short course offerings, career pathways, and resources for staying current in the field.
“I wanted to share a piece titled “12 Apps That Support Sustainable Living” by Master’s in Data Science. This resource defines sustainability, why it matters, and describes the three pillars of sustainability. The piece then breaks down 12 different apps that support sustainable living through food, transportation, waste, and shopping. This material may be helpful to your community as it focuses on integrating sustainability into daily life. Below is the URL to the Sustainable Living resource, if you’d like to share this: resources/12-apps-that- support-sustainable-living/” - A submission by Jesse Robinson “I am reaching out on behalf of Pepperdine University’s Graduate Studies Online. I work with the University to distribute useful, school-generated content to websites with similar audience interests.”
“Pepperdine recently published “How to Influence Environmental Policy at a Community Level Through Conflict Resolution“. This guide provides value to your audience by;- defining environmental conflict resolution
- assessing the variety of environmental issues that need conflict resolution
- how to navigate environmental conflict
- how to prepare for and execute mediation”
- Courtesy of Patrick Dennis from Adobe. “Adobe has curated a new guide to green practices for remote workers and businesses. A variety of creative ways to practice sustainability while working from home, as well as suggestions on how to integrate green habits into your company culture and lifestyle.
- Courtesy of Aaron Anderson from, excellent suggestions for small business owners to enhance their Eco-friendly plans and make those efforts publicly visible via customized logos to customers looking for such firms.
- “Small businesses can have a surprisingly big impact on the environment. As a small business owner, it’s up to you whether that impact is positive or negative. Small business sustainability is a growing practice in the mind of environmentally conscious brands. Consumers are more willing than ever to invest in non-toxic, Eco-friendly products to protect their families and the future of the planet. Today, businesses of all sizes are choosing more environmentally sustainable practices in response, and their customers are noticing.”
- This one is from Alice Pohl, a partner with 1-800-GOT-JUNK? – a full service junk removal and recycling service: “I’d like to recommend 1-800-GOT-JUNK’s “18 Recycling Tips for College Students” guide. It describes the benefits of recycling at college, how to reduce waste on college campuses, and waste management tips for your university campus. A few tips include buying reusable dishes and cutlery, carrying a “no waste” backpack with a water bottle and a small container with cutlery, and switching to electronic textbooks.” Click on the guide title.
- A submission by Alan McMahon – A “Guide to Green Energy Tax Credits and Incentives for Homeowners”. For people who want to be more involved in relying on renewable energy, but may not have the local infrastructure already in place to do so, there are myriad options when it comes to installing, maintaining, and benefiting from renewable energy. Some of what you will find include:
Federal legislation, Green loans, Energy and home efficiency tax credits/incentives, Different types of green energy, State/local utility credits and incentive, and Additional green resources
The full guide can be found here:
07/26/guide-to-green-energy- tax-credits-and-incentives- for-homeowners/ -
- Submitted by Krista Jackman, reaching out on behalf of Public Health Degrees sharing their website information on “Why Environmental Justice Is Important”. See racism refers to the intentional discrimination in infrastructural and environmental policy making. The environmental justice movement was created to address health disparities in low-income communities and communities of color caused by unfair policies and decision-making. Lots of information on Environmental agencies everywhere.
- Jake Fails with the website Zen Lemons sent me this interesting article from their website: Eco-Friendly Living: – How to reduce your Environmental impact. NOTE- LINK IS CURRENTLY BROKEN ON THEIR END, BUT TRY IF YOU WANT. Intro from their page: “It’s no secret that we’re damaging our planet. The Earth is going through many changes, most of which are because of human activity. We’re seeing more natural disasters than ever; our air and water are becoming polluted, and the list continues. One way to help combat this is by living eco-friendly lives. This doesn’t mean you have to go entirely off the grid and live in a cabin in the woods (although that sounds pretty nice). You can do small things every day to reduce your environmental impact. In this blog post, we’ll discuss where to start!”
- From Chenise Freidus, Business Manager @ZFC Real Estate: Smart technology, artificial intelligence, and construction innovation are significant advantages to homeowners building or renovating their homes in modern times. SaaS and digital apps are part and parcel of our lifestyles, helping us to contribute to the environment – making the air, water, and land around us greener. While this may appear publicly generous, the beauty of it all is that our personal quality of everyday living escalates substantially. Saving hard-earned money while doing your bit for Mother Earth’s health is a win-win situation.
- From Ryan Hyatt with the business management platform Clover. “Five ways to go green as a small business (and why you should)”. From their blog: “As a small business owner, you might not have put a ton of thought into your carbon footprint, or the impact your business has on the environment — but that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t. In addition to helping out in the worldwide fight against climate change, going green can have a positive impact on your business in multiple ways.” See their blog here.
- From Avery Williams, Outreach Specialist: I’m reaching out with Ingredion, a global supplier and authority on plant-based ingredients, who recently published an article titled “Plant-based eating and living for a more sustainable future”. In addition to the variety of health reasons for going plant-based, our guide goes in-depth to explain how doing so can reduce greenhouse gas missions, preserve biodiversity, and reduce deforestation. Our guide offers practical tips for embracing the plant-based lifestyle, and offers resources and research for those with questions about making this change to their diet. Our guide also encourages readers to participate in sustainable consumption and promotes sustainable food sources. It’s at:
en-us/be-whats-next/plant- based-eating-living-for- sustainable-future.html - From Leslie Collins with I’m reaching out because I wanted to introduce a guide we put together offering in-depth information about Environmental Policy Degrees and the career options available in this field. You can take a look at it here: – https://www.
publicadministrationdegrees. com/programs/environmental- policy - From Jesse Robinson with Flume: “Flume has created a guide titled “From a Drip to a Flood: The Cascading Effects of Water Leaks” highlighting the over 1 trillion gallons of water that are lost to household leaks each year. Outlined are the different types of leaks and their varying levels of urgency and potential damage they can cause. A few of the lesser known effects of water leaks are also highlighted, such as contaminants like bacteria and viruses effecting a community water supply via leaks, and pressure caused by leaks resulting in more energy being wasted to replenish the lost water. Resulting in an increase in your community’s carbon footprint and fossil fuel usage.” See this link: And view other articles there as well.
- From Teresa Bass: To help homeowners save energy, Price Self Storage has compiled a resource titled “22 Ways to Conserve Energy Around the Home” which offers tips to reduce energy consumption and adjust daily habits that lead to significant energy savings, lower bills, help the environment, and make an immediate impact on energy conservation in the home. Quick highlights include:
- Home repairs to consider to improve energy efficiency
- Energy-efficient lighting
techniques - Appliance and Smart Home considerations to invest in
By offering practical and easy-to-implement energy-saving tips, this resource may contribute to increasing environmental awareness and helping those in your community reduce their carbon footprint.
com/blog/22-ways-to-conserve- energy-around-the-home
Websites of Interest (in addition to all the links in Intro above)
- Expanded Polystyrene (EPS): Ultimate Guide on Foam Insulation Material website. Explore more about this polymer and find out its benefits, properties, recyclability etc. in detail.
- Fifteen things you should never throw in Recycle Bins, from Reader’s Digest:
- Recycling Basics by the EPA –
- Interesting Recycling Facts – “You can make a difference” –
- More Interesting Recycling Facts – “A Recycling Revolution” –
- Ten Ways to Improve Your Recycling –
- From Kat King: A guide for consumers and small businesses interested in green footprints, smaller carbon footprints, and loans and grants and tax incentives to help.
Excellent YouTube videos:
- “How Recycling Works” YouTube video –
- “What Happens After Recycled is Collected?” –
- “Recycling at US Largest Facility, NYC” –
- Interesting Reuse ideas –
- Green Tyranny, in the name of protecting the earth, John Stossel – This is another set of views we all must understand. Recycling, alternate energy, global warming and more and what a lot of others are saying. Released April 2013. About 45 minutes but worth viewing.
- Recycling is in trouble, and it might be your fault –
- Massive Floating Boom for the Pacific –
- Could mutant enzymes solve the world’s plastic problem? –
- www. A Chris Jordan film. View the 3 minute trailer, or the whole 1 hour 37 minute film.
- Also see Plastic Pollution Coalition website, and EPlasticomata website (come up in Spanish but click on translate in most browsers)
Stay tuned for more…