The editor welcomes news, articles, and notes relevant to Texas master naturalists and the Hill Country Chapter. If you have a contribution for future issues, please send it by the 10th of the the month of publication.
The Texas Star
Lindheimera Texana
- TexasStar 2024-11
- TexasStar 2024-10
- TexasStar 2024-09 Regular Edition
- TexasStar 2024-09 Special Edition
- TexasStar2024-08
- TexasStar2024-07
- TexasStar2024-06
- TexasStar2024-05
- TexasStar2024-04
- TexasStar2024-03
- TexasStar2024-02
- TexasStar2024-01
- TexasStar2023-11
- TexasStar2023-10
- TexasStar2023-09
- TexasStar2023-08
- TexasStar2023-07
- TexasStar2023-06
- TexasStar2023-05
- TexasStar2023-04
- TexasStar2023-03
- TexasStar2023-02
- TexasStar2023-01
- TexasStar2022-11
- TexasStar2022-10
- TexasStar2022-09
- TexasStar2022-08 (Revised)
- TexasStar2022-07 (Revised)
- TexasStar2022-06
- TexasStar2022-05
- TexasStar2022-04
- TexasStar2022-03
- TexasStar2022-02
- TexasStar2022-01 (Revised)
- TexasStar2021-01
- TexasStar2021-02
- TexasStar2021-03
- TexasStar2021-04
- TexasStar2021-05
- TexasStar2021-06
- TexasStar2021-07
- TexasStar2021-08
- TexasStar2021-09
- TexasStar2021-10
- TexasStar2021-11
- TexasStar2020-11
- TexasStar2020-10
- TexasStar2020-9
- TexasStar2020-8
- TexasStar2020-7
- TexasStar2020-6
- TexasStar2020-5
- TexasStar2020-4
- TexasStar2019-3
- TexasStar2020-2Feralhogs
- TexasStar2020-1Soil
- TexasStar2019-11Bees
- TexasStar2019-10RiparianHealth
- TexasStar2019-9TexasNatureTrackers
- TexasStar2019-8NewClassReception
- TexasStar2019-7TrailTamers
- TexasStar2019-6Tracking
- TexasStar2019-5TexasWild-rice
- TexasStar2019-4CoCoRaHS
- TexasStar2019-3Selah
- TexasStar2019-2ConservationEasements
- TexasStar2019-1ClimateWater
- TexasStar2018-11MasonMountain
- TexasStar2018-10TWA
- TexasStar2018-9TexasCats
- TexasStar2018-8ClassReception
- TexasStar2018-7AquaticInvasives
- TexasStar2018-6MonarchHabitat
- TexasStar2018-5CWD
- TexasStar2018-4YMCA
- TexasStar2018-3AmericasWildlife
- TexaStar2018-2LMAP
- TexasStar2018-1EnvironmentalInitiatives
- TexasStar2017-11BirdHabitat
- TexasStar2017-10FaunaFloraDeclines
- TexasStar2017-9MoRanch
- TexasStar2017-8NewClassReception
- TexasStar2017-7CattleFeverTick
- TexasStar2017-6White-tailedDeer
- TexasStar2017-5Damsels&Dragonflies
- TexasStar-2017-4CWDUpdate
- TexasStar2017-3RestorationAg
- TexasStar2017-2Rabies
- TexasStar2017-1 Desalination
- TexasStar2016-11ABKSNA
- TexasStar2016-10CypressFungusAir
- TexasStar2016-9Viticulture
- TexasStar2016-08ClassReception
- TexasStar2016-7Spiders
- TexasStar2016-6CrazyAnts
- TexasStar2016-5Oryx
- TexasStar2016-4MonarchButterflies
- TexasStar2016-3ChronicWastingDisease
- TexasStar2016-2Bluebirds
- TexasStar2016-1Soil
- TexasStar2015-11VMS
- TexasStar2015-8Soil Health
- TexasStar2015-9Water101&ClassBios, Supplement-Announcements2015-9
- TexasStar2015-8ClassReception
- TexasStar2015-7InvasiveSpecies
- TexasStar2015-6WildlifeConservation
- TexasStar2015-5ChapterPicnic
- TexasStar2015-4FeralHogs
- TexasStar2015-3BeingGreen
- TexasStar2015-2Tracks&Sign
- TexasStar2015-1LoveCreekPreserve
- TexasStar2014-11Bats
- TexasStar2014-10HillCountryLandTrust
- TexasStar2014-9KarstExplorartion
- TexasStar2014-8Classof2014
- TexasStar2014-7HornedLizard
- TexasStar2014-6HillCountryPlants
- TexasStar2014-5Picnic
- TexasStar2014-4Bumblebees
- TexasStar2014-3ABK
- TexasStar2014-2Hummingbirds
- TexasStar2014-1BlackBears
- TexasStar2013-11VernalPools
- TexasStar2013-10GaultSite
- TexasStar2013-9EarlyTexasNaturalists
- TexasStar2013-8Classof2013
- TexasStar2013-7WindRights
- TexasStar2013-6Drought
- TexasStar2013-5Picnic
- TexasStar2013-4Quail
- TexasStar2013-3NightSky
- TexasStar2013-2MonarchsMilkweed
- TexasStar2013-1MountainLion
- November 2012 Photographer Stories
- October 2012 Oil & Gas Drilling
- September 2012 Aldo Leopold
- August 2012 Class of 2012
- July 2012 Oasis Pipeline Fire/10th Anniversary Issue
- June 2012 Chapter Picnic
- May 2012 Dragonflies
- April 2012 Water and the Hill Country
- March 2012 What is Natural?
- February 2012 Hill Country Alliance
- January 2012 3K Ranch & TPWD
- November 2011 Birds of Love Creek
- October 2011 Texas Ecological Systems
- September 2011 TPWD Research
- August 2011 Class of 2011
- July 2011 Invasive Species
- June 2011 Chapter Picnic
- May 2011 Honey Creek Watershed
- April 2011 Hawks
- March 2011 Riparian Systems
- February 2011 Wild Cats
- January 2011 Wildlife Laws
- November 2010 Wildlife Tax Valuation
- October 2010 Wild Turkeys
- September 2010 Climate Change
- August 2010 Class of 2010
- July 2010 J. David Bamberger
- June 2010 Chapter Picnic
- May 2010 Quail & Grassland Birds
- April 2010 Watershed Planning
- March 2010 Native Bees
- February 2010 Hummingbirds
- January 2010 Windpower Transmission
- November 2009 Feral Pigs
- October 2009 Western Rivers
- September 2009 Texas Forest Service
- August 2009 Class of 2009
- July 2009 TPWD
- June 2009 Chapter Picnic
- May 2009 Water Quality
- April 2009 Hill Country Butterflies
- March 2009 Riparian Management
- February 2009 Land Stewardship
- January 2009 Water Policy
- November 2008 Bee Hive Decline
- October 2008 Prescribed Burning
- September 2008 Quality of Life
- August 2008 Early Texas Naturalists
- July 2008 Woman, the Hunter
- June 2008 Chapter Picnic
- May 2008 White-tailed Deer Management
- April 2008 Erosion Control
- March 2008 Wetlands & Riparian Habitat
- February 2008 Grass Issues
- January 2008 Tribute to Lady Bird
- November 2007 J. David Bamberger
- October 2007 Plant Conservation
- September 2007 Monarchs & Milkweed
- August 2007 Class of 2007
- July 2007 Land and Water Trusts
- June 2007 Chapter Picnic
- May 2007 Vanishing Texas Springs
- April 2007 The Natural Texas
- March 2007 Land and Water Trusts
- February 2007 Hummingbirds
- January 2007 Prescribed Burning
- November 2006 US Fish & Wildlife
- October 2006 Water Issues
- September 2006 Guadalupe Bass
- August 2006 Class of 2006
- July 2006 South Texas Storms
- June 2006 Chapter Picnic
- May 2006 Extension Agents
- April 2006 Livestock Entomology
- March 2006 Canyon Lake Gorge
- February 2006 Geological Complexity
- January 2006 Watersheds & Rivers>
- November 2005 Soil Foodweb
- October 2005 Conservation Landscapes
- September 2005 SKYWARN
- August 2005 Bird Behavior
- July 2005 Old Tunnel Field Trip
- June 2005 Cavity Nesters
- May 2005 Enchanted Rock Field Trip
- April 2005 Central Texas Archeology
- March 2005 Volunteer Projects
- February 2005 Firewise Landscaping
- January 2005 Wildlife Photography
- November 2004 Wildlife Tax Valuation
- October 2004 Lichens and Fungi
- September 2004 Solar System
- August 2004 Butterfly Gardening
- July 2004 Los Rincones
- June 2004 Chapter Picnic
- May 2004 Hill Country Insects
- April 2004 Importance of Birds to Native Americans
- March 2004 Kerrville-Schreiner Park
- February 2004 Mexican Free-tailed Bats
- January 2004 Living in Harmony with Nature
- November 2003 Wildscape Programs for Children
- October 2003 Wildlife Tax Valuation
- September 2003 Texas Living Waters Project
- August 2003 Naturalist Adventures
- July 2003 Urbanization of the Hill Country
- June 2003 American Farmland Trust
- May 2003 Love Creek Field Trip
- April 2003 Hill Country Herpetology
- March 2003 Migrating Warblers
- February 2003 Bat Tunnel
- January 2003 Weed or Wildflower?